
Cottage Trip

Get the most out of a Finnish cottage experience!

Join KY-SUB in our traditional cottage trip that brings together the international and domestic students of Aalto University Business School! The trip takes place between April 7th and April 8th, 2024. During the trip you will be able to take part in traditional Finnish cottage activities such as sauna, swimming in a lake, enjoying the bonfire and playing outdoor games. In addition, you will, of course, have the chance to make some new friends while having fun!

On this page, you can find information on what the trip includes and the preliminary program for the trip. The actual ticket sale will take place during our Welcome Evening (for exchange students & tutors) and in various KY Telegram groups for other degree students.

Keep scrolling to learn more and hop on our trip full of fun activities and unique experiences provided to you by KY-SUB!

The trip includes


Accommodation in the camping center

There will be a proper camping center with beds and mattresses but you need to bring a sheet to cover the mattress as well as a sleeping bag/sheets and a pillow. There will be no pillows or blankets!


Bus trip from Otaniemi Espoo to the camping center and back to Otaniemi, Espoo.

Dinner, breakfast & some drinks and snacks

KY-SUB will serve the participants some food and drinks during the trip but we will also have a bonfire where you can grill your own food. We highly recommend bringing your own snacks & drinks as well.

Fun activities

One of the highlights of this trip is touring around fun checkpoints with your new friends. You will get to try out some traditional Finnish activities, unleash your creativity and compete against other teams. A proper cottage trip includes, of course, the possibility to go to the sauna and swim in the refreshing lake.

An overall badge

As a souvenir of the unforgettable trip you will get an overall badge to decorate your brand new overalls!

The program

Disclaimer: KY-SUB reserves the right to make changes to the program!

Sunday, April 7th, 2024

Departure from Otaniemi, in front of Espilä (Konemiehentie 4), with the buses at 14.00. BE THERE AT 13.30! 

In the afternoon – Accommodation & checkpoints

When the buses arrive at the camping center you first take your stuff to the accommodation. After that, you will get straight into business and start touring around the checkpoints in small groups. 

In the evening – Dinner & sauna

After the fierce competition you will get some filling in your stomach with the dinner that’s included in the ticket. As the evening gets dark, the sauna gets hot and you will have a chance to experience the contrast between the hot sauna and the cool lake.

In the late evening – Bonfire & party

During this trip you will not have to go early to bed as the night continues around the bonfire where you will have a chance to grill some late night snacks. Also the dance floor will be on fire as the party starts and lasts until the break of dawn.

Monday, April 8th, 2024

In the morning – Breakfast & chill

After the long night of partying you can start the day with a nice breakfast that’s included in the ticket. We will also offer you some chill activities to keep up the good spirit.

In the early afternoon – Sauna & packing up

After the slow morning you have a chance to go to the sauna and lake one more time. All good things come to and end and so does this trip. Before heading back to Otaniemi we will pack and clean up the camping center to make sure the next users will have as fun as we did!

Departure back to Otaniemi with the buses at 15.00. BE READY TO BOARD THE BUSES AT 14.30! We will be back at Otaniemi, in front of Espilä (Konemiehentie 4), around 16.00.